"Dietes Bicolor"
18" x 18"
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Click Here.I finished this painting a little over a year ago, and I'm still rather fond of it.... which is rare for me. I usually dislike most of my paintings about a month after painting them, but I think that's because I'm continuously growing, so I'm fine with that. I'll be more worried when/if I begin to plateau. . . but I don't like to think like that :) However, due to my fondness of it, I can't bring myself to post it on eBay for as cheap as I've been listing some of my other work. I know that some people like to view work in person if they are spending a little more money so if any of you are in the North Carolina area, this painting is hanging in the Burlington Artists League Gallery in the Burlington Mall. You can purchase it in person, or you can order it from my website. The canvas is gallery wrapped, the edges are painted, and it's ready for hanging. Also, the "VWL 2006" is just a watermark; it's not actually on the painting.