"Moving Plaid"
11" x 14"
To those of you that check my site regularly- I'm sorry it has taken so long to post a new painting. Jeff and I are currently in the process of moving from Richmond to Elon. If you haven't heard, Jeff was recently hired as an "events coordinator" at Elon University, and we're both very excited about moving back to NC!
This latest painting was a lot of fun for me to paint, although the plaid pattern did challenge my patience a little. I was drawn to painting this photograph because of the implied movement; I like being able to picture the movement of the shaking of the blanket as it would have continued after the picture was taken.
you forgot to mark it SOLD- I want this one!
Very nice. You caught the moment perfectly.
congrats on the job and the move. next time i'm flying in to rdu we'll have to get together. seriously this time. i miss you two.
You're not by any chance going to Turner's wedding, are you?
i'm afraid i'm gonna miss turner's wedding. wish i could be there, but i'm running a little low on vacation time this year. the next time i'll be in nc will probably be thanksgiving, but i'm not 100% on that.
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