I'm still spending a lot of time unpacking boxes (as well as teaching every day and writing new lesson plans at night)... not to mention I'm sick right now and I haven't accrued any sick leave at work... so I haven't really gotten any painting done. I'm hoping that I will be back into some sort of routine by the end of this week, and then I'll be posting more regularly again. So I guess this post is just a little reminder about my online GIFT SHOP. I know several of you have already made purchases, and I hope you are enjoying your goodies.... for the rest of you- get with it! Don't you know that these shirts are the new thing! Everybody's wearing them! ....or at least they will be soon :)
Side Note: With all the ladies out there that seem to be getting pregnant these days, it won't hurt to mention the large assortment of bibs and creepers I carry. I mean, how creative would it be to attach a beguiling as well as breathtaking bib to a big bow bedecked around a beautifully wrapped baby present? Just throwing that out there-